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•Tuesday, August 21, 2007•

In a Nutshell...

DIE, C++ ASSIGNMENT, DIE!!!!! Here I'm back, with the wonders of WIFI, friends that love to hang out, and my violin & piano, HOW ON EARTH AM I supposed to complete my assignments??
*looks up creation of the universe in wikipedia*
Oh forget it. Let me just get my blog out of the way before I continue, and try distracting myself from attempting to make AMVs...
So, here begins my holiday, and my extra long post on various aspects of the place I now call "home" 5 days a week...

Muahaha...EXPOSING THE TRUE NATURE OF INTEC UiTM.......*kidding*

In a Nutshell...

A brief intro to the land of Intec-Akasia

National Attire: Long EVERYTHING...Mondays & Fridays-Baju kurung, other days; GET A JACKET!!!

National mode of transportation: Bus

National Animal: Cat

National Dish: Curry. Duh...

National Sport: Wrestling. Faithfully practised every morning while boarding up the bus.

National Attraction: Pasar Malam, once a week

Nation's biggest industry: Photocopy & Dobi

There're more...I'll just add more to the list once I can come up with them...

Bus Rides of Intec

A typical school day would always begin with the rush hour human traffic that all Intec students know very well...

Simple rule: Get up early, and you get the bus. Don't get up early, and well...HAPPY WRESTLING...

Its very common to find people waiting for more than an hour to actually get on the bus successful...

Knowing what a Lan Sui Zhu I am, I would probably be constantly late for class day after day, if it weren't for Jillian and Christina, but more bout that later on, huh?

Example of a crowded bus stand, only this is at night...

And of course, there's the matter of the journey itself, which more often that not usually involves me hanging on for dear life in the seemingly earthquake-ridden aisle, sometimes with armfulls of books and nothing to hold on to. Its always a risk that we'll either kiss the person in front or soar out of the windscreen. But still, its good training...I suppose after 18 months here in Intec, I'll be able to withstand the San Francisco earthquake while sipping Nescafe...

And when we finally get to class...

This is the usual scene in class...a routine I faithfully follow, not that I want to...(PS, this is Christina sleeping...credits to Cassandra for the pic=P)

And Cassandra herself..

Well, I'm definitely not a morning person, and not only does it take ages to wake me up each morning, but it's hell for me to attempt to stay awake in class...I can't help "fishing"...(I need stay-awake pills...someone tell me whether they exist...)

Surviving in my class is no picnic. My classmates are real nice, but its a different plane altogether from Taylor's, Subang Utama, and whatever other schools I've been to. Each time our lecturer leaves the class, many will whip out files, papers, extra homework, etc and continue studying! Its like they've got a built-in motors to study endlessly without getting tired.

Whatever this is, its squeezing my kiasu juices from wherever they are and forcing me to ATTEMPT to work at their level...Credits to them for being really helpful to me, considering I'm gazillion times weaker than them when it comes to Maths...But this is not me, the real me is a play-the-fool-study-last-minute kind, its a horror trying to keep up with everyone's pace...


As I mentioned earlier, the staple food here is curry. You should see how many different kinds of curry there are during lunch. And the rule of the game is choice: COLD food, or NO food. Either we rush down at 10 to a wide selection of food, take it up to class and eat it COLD at 1pm; or we go down along with everyone else at 1, and risk having NOTHING to eat except for the mystery meat that may turn out to be kidneys, or lungs, or *shudders*...

And of course, if you're skillful enough, *cough hint Christina* there's always a way to "cut cost..."

For dinner, there's a choice of various mamak stalls and nasi goreng shops in the area (its all the same kind of food) unless you can afford the occassional treat of fast food (KFC & McD). And of course, there's the joy of the Pasar Malam which I NEVER fancied before this, but now presents a welcome break from food here..

I miss Taylors, AC, Cabana, and all the other convenient makan places there...=(

Social life.

Ok, contrary to the popular belief that Intec is INFESTED with geeks and nerds of the highest order, I have to say, many of them do NOT qualify as that. IN fact, many of them keep up an amazing social life, don't appear to actually study, but when they return the next day, they've completed their homework (which would later score full marks), as well as studied for next weeks' lessons. I guess I'm worse off than before...classified as a total geek who scores lower than those who take the Minibus to Pyramid every day...

Usually, I hang out with my two Vet Science buddies, Christina & Jillian. Good for me, I suppose, seeing as its only with them that I go out and get fruits, I sleep considerably early, and I get a free alarm clock in the morning...

K, first, Christina, the girl who WHACKS me up without fail each morning with practically everything she can get her hands on...Thank goodness I make up for it for bullying her throughout the day instead...hehe...Unbelievably fickle minded and rather hilarious sometimes...

Jillian. I never did believe this innocent, guai guai looking girl not only watches anime, but is a real gamer as well...Haha...Somehow, a balance among the three of us, in many ways...

Nights with them always involve studying, groans of feeling sleepy, arguing over music, accompanied by Christina's message ringtone in the background...

Ok, frankly, I've really really got loads to write about. The thing is, my assignments are piling up, and unless I get a move on, I'm a GONER. So below are pictures of the dogathon, and the Inpro2007 for Intec students who (very cleverly) missed. It was hell, waiting outside the stadium until 12 something AM for the bus...

Inpro 2007 - Stadium UiTM

SS-ing again...I was bored...

Pet of the week: Teddy

Dogathon 2007-On SPCA Duty...

Fluffy was thirsty...

Sara, in her sexy pose...

Fluffy...takinga rest after walking for ages...
With the ultra-cute-very-very-fat-unbelievably-sweet REDBERRY!!!
SPCA Volunteers in front of PAWS van...


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•Friday, August 10, 2007•

Stressed and Pressured.....

Busy busy busy week...Gah...Life here is hard...

First, there was C++ Replacement until 5pm on Monday. And after returning home, exhausted, after a hurried lunch from the Pasar Malam which was probably dirty due to the fogging that was being carried out there, we had to gather in the Akasia compound, feeding our blood to mosquitoes and wasting time entirely...

The next day, there was supposed to be the SAMSA election thingy until SIX PM!!! No way I was going...Too much work and assignments...Christina, Jillian and I escaped at first opportunity...

On Wednesday, it was Ko-PLN again, Ko-kurikulum Pelajar Luar Negara which personally I find as quite a waste of time. And the thing is, my group's facilitator had a meeting that day but it didn't occur to her to inform us! So there we were...suffering in the hot sun while waiting for news from our facilitator until we finally decided to leave. Just then, we got the message from her, telling us that she couldn't make it in time....Gah...this means there'll be replacement PLN sometime soon...More waste of time...

My class was supposed to have replacement Maths class on yesterday afternoon, only there was a talk in the Great hall about 3 unis in Aussie. It didn't offer Vet Science, so Jillian, Christina and I "cabut as well...But at night, there was even a talk at night in the Great Hall until 11PM regarding religion and stuff !!! Jillian went, but Christina and I stayed behind, after asking our classmates to sign the attendance list for us.

Indeed, there's an overload of assignments...

1. Ever growing pile of maths homework which I think is reaching the 400 question mark,
2. Ethics presentation, one hour long presentation along with folio
3. Two page single spacing PLN essay
4. Research for
4. C++ programming rules that I'm struggling to understand
5. Physics homework from Christina's class and intend to complete just to save my dying physics
6. Bio and Chem revision of my A-Levels notes which is appearing to be my lifeline now...

Oh, and I got the results of my first maths quiz back. 85%. At the standard of my absymal maths, and in a NORMAL school, I would have been beyond satisfied. Problem is, my genius classmates were comfortanly scoring 97% - 100% in the very same test...


Indeed, everything's different here...Christina said the same when we talked yesterday...I'm walking around school all day with the knowledge that EVERYONE here is a top student of some kind...I meet students who seem like the play-the-fool kind, but emerge the next day with their homework all done...My classmates are the kind who have no qualms about sitting down for 5 hours straight doing homework...Its an immense pressure losing the sense of security that came with being used to sit at the top range among my classmates. I know it sounds cocky, but throughout high school it was always a comforting feeling being at the top that when suddenly, I'm in a place full of students that are at least as good, or far better than me...knowing that I could be one of the dunces among the born geniuses here...I guess that's making me work like I've never done before...but its making me far more exhausted than ever...

Jeez...now I know what Faye feels like, being in a class full of MARA scholars....


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•Wednesday, August 1, 2007•

SPCA, PJ Philharmonic Performance

And what are you staring at?

So Devil (now renamed Sox) is safely in SPCA, and establishing itself as the noisest kitten there. The little rascal absolutely REFUSED to stop meowing unless I released her out of the cage and carried her. And as usual, more animals in SPCA caught my eye. One of them was a lovely creamish brown mongrel in Post Operative, who was giving me half-hearted growls along with fearful licks throughout the time I was at her cage. It was only after talking to her for quite some time that she finally allowed me to pat her head, unleashing a loving animal that kept licking my hand in response. Another abuse victim, judging from her fearful demeanor but a sweet, loving one nevertheless. Sometimes, I just can't understand why people can actually have the heart to hurt defenseless animals like this.

And goodness, Dandy is back! The dog that I had first fallen in love with when I first volunteered in SPCA all those months back, the dog that had ALMOST become mine if it wasn't for the few hours delay that someone actually adopted him first...He's Back......

Dandy is one of those I never really got over even after this long while...along with Benz, Cappucino, and many others. But to have him returned here in disgrace for being AGGRESSIVE??!! Dandy has NEVER been aggressive. not since I first met him months ago! I can still remember how this one dog welcoming committee threw himself on me on my very first day in SPCA, overflowing with boundless joy, and nearly knocking me to the ground. But now?

I didn't quite believe it, and rushed to Kennel A. Dandy was looking far more scruffy then I ever believed possible, and there was a huge clump of matted fur on his tail. Apparently, this had something to do with his previous owner's maid, causing him to be mortally terrified of water and grooming. (I still can't believe that's possible...Dandy used to LOVE water when I bathed him months ago...)

Sigh...To think it was just a matter of a few hours...this Border Collie could have been the prince of my house, instead of being relegated to where he is now...I dunno why I'm so affected by it, but I've missed him...and I can't believe anyone can actually do this to such a magnificent dog...

Anyway, last sunday was my FIRST EVER performance with the PJ Philharmonic Orchestra/PJ Youth Chamber Orchestra. I was pretty nervous about playing in my first orchestra, alongside all the other Pros. And well, I didn't exactly practise for the Junior First Violin either.

To cut long story short (don't have much time...have to go study for my maths quiz) I followed Sharon there in the afternoon, practised with a Allan, Nicholas, Sharon, and the other Violin pros, and soon, it was time for the soundcheck. And we didn't get a break at all...It was like senior practice, junior practice, senior practice...it was a relief when we were finally allowed to change into our attire (and I could FINALLY get to the washroom).

Our dinner was scrumptious, much better than the ones the guests paid RM60 for, if you ask me...hehe...

Mom and Dad came to watch my very first performance, and finally after a string of marvelous solos and quartets, it was time for the Junior & Senior orchestra performance.

I was ridiculously nervous during the Junior performance as there was one song, the Polka, that I still couldn't master...played terribly for that one, I suppose...but luckily, there was quite a number of First Violinists (all the seniors involved were playing the first violin), so my mistakes weren't really audible...hehe...^^

The senior performance, now that was grand. I'm a second violinist for the seniors, and even then, I found some of the pieces challenging. But it was fun, really awesome to be playing in a large group like that...with different parts, different instruments all playing different melodies, all blending together in a beautiful medley that had once dazzled me when I first became an audience of this orchestra.

I guess this is sort of like a dream come true. I've always wanted to play in an orchestra since I started learning violin more than a year ago. When I first attended the PJYCO's performance, I marvelled at everything they did, every piece they played; the way they kept their bowings synchronised, the way every instrument came together to create a full piece of amazing orchestra music. Somehow, listening to good symphonies and stuff like that always seems to fill me up like...(really don't know how to describe...forget it...I'm sure other music enthusiasts out there will understand)

And this year, starting first with the string ensemble which I truly enjoyed playing in, and finally, the ultimate offer to play in the orchestra my teacher, and my violin sifu, Sharon was playing in...It was an honour...

The Seasoned Performer, and the Newbie Violinist

My stand partner Levina, Carol, and me

Carol, Nicole (our orchestra's cute 2nd violinist) and I

The quartet, consisting of several accomplished teachers and our very own conductor (playing the cello)

Oh well, it really has been an awesome weekend. I'd better finish this up now and go tapau some lunch from the cafeteria before its lunch time...otherwise, there'll be nothing else left to eat. Indeed, here we have two choices when it comes to lunch:

Alternative 1. Go down during the 10am to 10.10 break, buy lunch in the cafe from all the choices available, go back to class, try resist the temptation of the delicious food in my desk, and finally endure eating stone cold food during lunch time.

Alternative 2. Go down with everyone else during lunch time, line up with countless more people to get food, have unbelievably limited choices of dishes, and if you're brave enough, maybe end up with some mystery meat like lungs or liver...(*cough hint Jillian & Xiang Xiang)

I don't know bout the others, but I'll pick COLD food over NO food anytime...

Will do Faye's tag in my next post...



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Friendship is like a violin...The strings may loosen over time, but the melody will remain forever...

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow; Don't walk behind me, I may not lead; Walk beside me and be my friend...

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